Membership Information & Benefits
Convened in 1988, the Southwestern Pennsylvania Partnership for Aging (SWPPA) is a volunteer-led organization with a mission to serve as a catalyst to promote policy, program, and systems change that improves the quality of life of older adults. SWPPA was created as a neutral forum for collaboration, information sharing, discussion and formulation of aging policy recommendations. SWPPA offers both individual and organizational/business memberships. Members include organizations and businesses, as well as individual members such as civic leaders, business owners, medical professionals, scholars, professionals in aging services, students, and residents of all ages. SWPPA engages its members via education, training, advocacy, networking, and collaborative efforts.
Memberships are annual and run on a calendar-year basis, beginning January 1 and ending December 31.
Membership Structure and Rates
- Individual Membership includes regular, retired, and student membership rates.
- Organizational and Business Memberships:
- The cost structure is based upon the organization’s operating budget.
- All employees/members/volunteers of that organization are eligible to attend events at member rates and participate in SWPPA’s committees/activities. This allows an organization to more fully utilize the opportunities that we offer.
- Two enhanced levels of membership have additional benefits beyond the traditional organizational membership.
Individual Members
Individual Membership Benefits
All individual members receive:
- Non-Transferable Personal Membership
- SWPPA Member Alert emails (including policy and regulatory updates)
- Monthly Newsletter
- Discounted Registration for SWPPA Annual Conference and periodic Educational Events
- Member Discount on SWPPA & Other Publications
- Invitation to exclusive SWPPA Member Networking Opportunities
- Opportunity to participate in SWPPA Standing and Ad-hoc Committees
Individual Rates are as follows:
- Regular – $100
- Retired – $50
- Student – $30
Organizational and Business Memberships
Organizational and Business Membership Benefits
All organizational and business members receive:
- Organization listed on member page with link to the organizational website
- SWPPA Member Alert emails (including policy and regulatory updates)
- Monthly Newsletter which includes list of members and links to organizational members
- Discounted Registration for organizational employees/members/volunteers for the SWPPA Annual Conference and periodic Educational Events/Activities
- Member Discount on SWPPA & Other Publications
- Invitation to exclusive SWPPA Member Networking Opportunities
- Opportunity for employees/members/volunteers to participate in SWPPA Standing and Ad-hoc Committees
- Five (5) designated employees, members, or volunteers who will represent the organization and vote in annual, regular, and special meetings (in-person or electronically)
Organizational and Business Rates are as follows. Please select the membership level that corresponds to your operating budget or one of the enhanced memberships:
- Standard (budget-based):
$249,999 and under – $300
$250K – $499,999 – $400
$500K – $999,999 – $500
$1M – $4,999,999 – $600
$5M – $9,999,999 – $700
$10M – $49,999,999 – $1,000
$50M and over – $2,000
- Enhanced:
Ambassador – $3,500
Corporate Partner – $5,000
Ambassador Membership Includes:
- All listed organizational benefits
- Logo featured and organization recognized on homepage of SWPPA website
- Featured Organizational Spotlight in a SWPPA Member Alert, in a Monthly Newsletter, or on SWPPA social media once per year
- Two complimentary registrations for SWPPA’s Annual Conference
Corporate Partner Membership Includes:
- All listed Organizational member benefits
- All listed Ambassador benefits
- Featured organizational Spotlight in SWPPA Member Alert, in a Monthly Newsletter, or on SWPPA social media twice per year
- Complimentary sponsor table at SWPPA’s Annual Conference
If you would prefer to fill out a PDF version of the membership form and send it in the mail with a check for your membership dues, click the appropriate button below to download the form. Please make checks payable to SWPPA and send them with your form to:
Southwestern PA Partnership for Aging (SWPPA)
461 Cochran Road #246
Pittsburgh, PA 15228
Questions or Concerns? Call 412-467-6564 or e-mail