SWPPA is an all-volunteer organization that reviews, recommends, and researches issues related to older adults and people with disabilities. Below is a list of our committees. Please email us if you would like to learn more or join a committee.
Age-Friendly Greater Pittsburgh
Chairs: Paul Winkler, Retired, Presbyterian SeniorCare Network
SWPPA members participate in the Age-Friendly work groups (Transportation, Workforce, Digital Access, Dementia-Friendly Greater Pittsburgh and Housing). These groups are bringing the Age-Friendly Greater Pittsburgh Action Plan 2022-2025 to life.
Dementia-Friendly Greater Pittsburgh Committee
Chairs: Alicia Bisaha, Allegheny Health Network, Angela Kypriotis, Allegheny Health Network, and Kimberly Maddox, UPMC Community Health Choices
The Dementia-Friendly Greater Pittsburgh committee trains its members to be Dementia Friends and Champions and provides the opportunity to support and engage those living with dementias and their care partners. The Committee builds upon Age-Friendly Greater Pittsburgh’s work and connects with partners to design and implement trainings, programs and advocacy.
Education Committee
Chair: Patricia Embree, Vincentian Collaborative System
The Education committee is responsible for planning and executing our annual conference and other educational events. The annual conference brings in sponsors and attendees to share and learn the newest issues in aging and disability.
Friend and Fundraising Committee
Chairs: Bill McDowell and Shannon Miller
The Friend and Fundraising committee works with SWPPA’s other committees to connect to new friends for memberships and partnership and provides leadership in raising money to support our mission by holding social fundraising events that offer its members an opportunity to network with one another and others. The committee also coordinates fundraising through the United Way Donor option and Give Big Tuesday.
Membership Committee
Chairs: Jennifer Blatz, Greater Pittsburgh Digital Inclusion Alliance
The Membership committee works to expand our membership by publicizing, soliciting, and engaging new and returning members on a regular basis.
Policy and Advocacy Committee
Chairs: Kim Pirilla-Scalise, Superior Home Care and Debbie McCarthy-Arnone, AARP
The Policy and Advocacy committee monitors, reviews, and shares information related to public policy issues impacting older adults, people with disabilities, and the organizations serving them. Beyond the sharing of information, the Policy and Advocacy Committee informs members of opportunities for advocacy and supports those efforts throughout the year. The committee also informs the Board of Directors when SWPPA should take a formal position on a policy, legislative or regulatory issue. The committee meets regularly via conference calls to facilitate easy participation, and committee members engage in using the organization’s principles scorecard to consider and present the impact of relevant legislation and regulations across our network.